Sunday, January 22, 2006

sembawang hot spring

i think, unwittingly, we (admiralty primary school) helped to promote the sembawang hot spring and caused a rush of people to visit and re-visit the place.

when the new paper featured our heritage trail project and showed pictures of the hot spring, it triggered a renewed interest in the place.

so many people started crowding the place that the authorities had to put up barriers and impose retrictions on visits to the place. and there was so much publicity. today, things have returned to normal.

i remember the hot spring from a visit we made to it during my primary school days, and that was decades ago. my primary 6 teacher took us to this kampong area where we watched the folks cooking their eggs in the hot ground water.

i know that there is another hot spring in singapore, on pulau ubin. i think it is located near kampong unum. it used to serve as one of the check-points for our land expedition. that hot spring is not as extensive as the one at sembawang.


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