Friday, March 03, 2006

malata karaoke set from shanghai

my wife's colleague, on a tour with the school children to shanghai, carted back 5 pieces of this karaoke set. each set cost more than S$450.

the karaoke dvd set comes with two microphones, a remote control and 2 volumes of listing of 20 000 songs. these include english, mandarin, hokkien, vietnamese, french, spanish, thai and filipino songs.

the set comes equipped with a number of unique functions. it rates your performance by giving a score. if your score falls below 50, it actually prompts you to "add oil" to improve your singing. it can also record your singing. it can keep track of the songs that you like to sing and store this in its memory. like the better quality sets, you can also adjust the key to suit your singing.

the only setback for me is that all the instructions and the labels on the control are in mandarin. so, i learn through guessing and after prolonged usage.

the croaking helps me to de-stress but i am not sure if it has the same beneficial effect on my neighbours.


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