Sunday, August 13, 2006

elaborate malay wedding at 544a community hall

some forty motor cycles, with the leading ones revving their engines, heralded the arrival of the groom at one of the more elaborate malay weddings to be held at the community hall 544a. there was the usual kompang group but with a difference. this group also had some gamelan musical instruments. a youth let off some muted firecrackers as the procession moved towards the hall. the groom was flanked by the two bungga manggar carriers.

as they stopped in front of the community hall, there was a silat performance by first, a young man, next, a young lady and finally, the master and a young follower.

preparations for the wedding function had started on friday night. coconut fronds were used to frame the archways. as is the tradition with malay wedding, cooking was done in the gotong royong style. again, the one difference i noticed in this case was: satay was included in the menu.

it is a warm feeling to see among the guests chinese and indians. they were members of the motor cycle gang. although the whole service road was blocked for the duration of the performance, no motorist seemed to be unduly upset.


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