Tuesday, October 24, 2006

feng shui - eight red and one black goldfish

i was at my sister's place in tampines when i came across this book on feng shui by lillian too. somewhere in the book there was mention that keeping goldfish in the house is a good feng shui practice.

feng shui literally means 'wind and water'. it is steeped in philosophy based on the benefits to be derived from creating harmony and balance in our environment.

i have a big, round bowl into which i placed about twenty small goldfish. the population eventually decreased to nine and has stabilised at that. now i am left with eight red and one black goldfish. coincidentally, i have the right number and right combination of gold fish. eight gold and one black is considered an auspicious combination.

the black one absorbs all that is negative and undesirable. i suppose that red or gold ones attract all that is positive and desirable to the occupants of the house.

you should not keep the goldfish in the bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. they will create material loss. the best location is in the part of your house facing the north.


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