Monday, October 02, 2006

greenwood avenue

i had mistakenly thought that greenwood avenue was in the holland road area. one day, in april this year, i had walked the whole length of 6th avenue, turned into ming teck park to look for the many restaurants that had been attracting crowds. i ended up at greenleaf avenue and found only two shops. thinking that it could be at another part of greenleaf avenue, i walked further in, only to find rows and rows of terrace houses. i think i walked more than 5 km that morning.

today, i finally located the place and realised that i had been there many times in the past. i did not realise i was at greenword avenue until i saw the wagon wheel, a pub that freddie had mentioned the day before when i met him at ricky's daughter's wedding. i recognise lana cakes because i have been there several years ago to buy chocolate cakes. i also remember that i used to drive past that place when ivy had mathematics tuition with mrs ganapathy.

so much has changed. the whole row has been taken over by either pubs or food outlets. starting at no: 2 is cog n bull, 4 is l'estaminet, 6 is pepperoni, 8 is 8 on greenwood, 10 is raku, 12 is sebastian bistrot, 14 is ponggol choon seng seafood, 16 is the king's arms, 18 is sala thai restaurant, 22 is the wagon wheel, 24 is an exclusive restaurant, shiro japanese haute cuisine, 26 is estivo gelateria, 30/32 is swiss butchery, 34 is greenwood fishmarket and bistro and 36, lana cakes.

tried the gelato ice-cream at no: 26. nowhere near the heavenly gelato ice-cream we had in lugano, switzerland. lugano is near the italian border and we bought our ice-cream from a roadside stall.


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