Sunday, November 05, 2006

st george's church @ minden road

located at minden road, near dempsey road and opposite the botanic gardens. built of red brick and featuring a beautiful stained glass window above the altar, st george’s has been the place of worship for many people of different races and nationalities throughout the years. it is a haven for those seeking peace and solace amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

today, i attended the 8.00 a.m. service in this splendid, old colonial style building with no air-conditioning. this church conducts traditional anglican worship with 3 services on sundays. built in 1911, it did not become a civilian church until 1971. it has since been gazetted as a national monument.

the church has a seating capacity of 650. at this morning service, i estimated there were about one hundred people in the congregation. for a moment, i thought it was a catholic church because there are cushions for those who need to kneel to pray.

after the service, there was free breakfast for everyone at the back of the church. they provided cakes, sandwiches and biscuits. there were even chwee kueh. i did not help myself to the food. instead, i went to ghim moh market for my favourite chwee kueh.


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