Monday, January 01, 2007

fireworks @ the esplanade

wow! what a start to the new year 2007 and a new milestone in my life! i am so glad that i made my way to marina south to watch the fireworks. previously, the crowds, the wait and the jams after the event would have put me off.

after dropping ida at leonie hills, i drove to marina south to where i figured was the vantage point to catch the firework display. already, at 10.45 p.m. a long line of vehicles was making its way to the car parks. there was a slight drizzle but the crowd was not deterred.

i walked towards the waterfront but eventually ended up at the side of the east coast parkway, the same road i had taken enroute to marina south. the police were doing a good job, keeping everyone in line. across the road, on the other side, vehicles were deliberately slowingly down as the bewitching hour drew nearer.

i could see the two buildings - one raffles quay and ntuc centre - from which some of the fireworks would be launched. at 11.30 p.m., we were teased with small, short spurts launched from around the two buildings.

we had to wait until about two minutes past midnight before the actual display came into effect. the sky was illuminated with colourful sprays for the next ten minutes. initially, i was snapping away with my digital camera but after a while, i decided that i should enjoy the exhilarating performance instead. like all firework displays, the climax was the best, almost earth shattering!


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