Monday, January 02, 2006


used to have more than 50 pots of this plant at home until i decided to give them away. planted them in small plastic pots which i bought for 40 cents each. it's so easy to propagate this plant. all you need is to place the leaf, with the baby leaflets growing on the side, in some damp soil and the young plants will flourish.

when they are young and tender, keep them protected in partial sunlight. once they are grown, you can leave them at the mercy of the full sunlight.

i gave most of them to my colleagues at admiralty but some were given to laybee's former colleagues, from may primary, who visited during the x'mas holidays. some were sold at 50 cents a pot at the school's junior entrepreneurship programme's sale.


Blogger Ivy said...

If you sold them for 50 cents a pot, it's not really very profitable leh!

8:10 PM


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