Thursday, January 19, 2006

dragon fruit

do you know that the dragon fruit comes from the cactus plant? this picture was taken at a friend's garden in kluang.

the dragon fruit is native to central and south america where it is known as pitaya or pitahaya.

the dragon fruit flesh can be white, red or magenta all to varying degrees dependant upon the variety. the red flesh varieties contain lycopene which is a natural antioxidant known to fight cancer, heart disease and lower blood pressure. today it is the leading fruit export of vietnam.

propagation is by stem cutting. the flower is large with waxy and white petals. it is a night blooming flower. it can produce fragrance as it blooms, attracting bees and ants as pollinating agents. but on most farms, pollination is done manually.

in singapore, i have seen this plant with its fruit and flowers at kok fah technology farm at sungei tengah. this farm is very popular with ah sohs who go on local tours organised by community clubs.


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